The REYNISH oral history relates that the ancestors of the present day families were Flemish. An interesting quote is to be found in Gerald of Wales' "Itinerary through Wales" in the chapter covering "Haverford and Ros" in 1188.
"The inhabitants of this province derived their origin from Flanders, and were sent by King Henry 1st to inhabit these districts: a people brave and robust, ever most hostile to the Welsh: a people, I say, well versed in commerce and woollen manufacturies: a people anxious to seek gain by sea and land, in defiance of fatigue and danger: a hardy race, equally fitted for the plough or the sword: a people brave and happy."
I believe that the REYNISHs did and still do live up to these comments-however not so hostile to the Welsh these days but now assimilated into their culture, language, society and history.
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